A variety of media, and a series of work over many years, these are wild creatures that I love and return to making. The most important thing is the message behind the artworks, which is the crisis of habitat destruction and animal loss, the disappearance of our wild places and the fact that our fellow animals now have fewer places to live and are facing extinction.
top to bottom left to right: This is not a rug (2017) - This is not an aphrodisiac (2017) - Cold water (2017) - Pearl River delta (2017) - Northern seas (2017) - Walfisch (2015) - Tidbinbilla bear (2019) - Barnaby (2018) - Seachange (2015)
All photos by Andrew Sikorski
ink, graphite, gouache, pencil and collage - 60 x 50 cm
ink, graphite, gouache, pencil and collage - 60 x 50 cm
ink, graphite, gouache and collage - 80 x 40 cm
ink, graphite, gouache and collage - 80 x 40 cm
ink, graphite, gouache and collage - 80 x 40 cm
gouache, graphite and collage - 40 x 50 cm
ink and graphite - 29 x 21 cm
graphite on board - 2018 - 35 x 28 cm
acrylic, gouache and collage - 120 x 90 cm